2012, 36(3): 298-300.
2012, 36(3): 301-306,311.
2012, 36(3): 307-311.
2012, 36(3): 312-314,329.
2012, 36(3): 315-317,432.
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2012, 36(3): 342-345.
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2012, 36(3): 368-371.
2012, 36(3): 382-385.
2012, 36(3): 386-389.
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2012, 36(3): 394-397.
Calculation and analysis of spherical aberration on Gaussian image plane based on diffraction theory
2012, 36(3): 405-407,412.
2012, 36(3): 408-412.
2012, 36(3): 416-420.
2012, 36(3): 421-423,427.
2012, 36(3): 424-427.
2012, 36(3): 428-432.