具有旋转角度的目标图像,原图像分辨率为5148pixel×3456pixel,模板图像分辨率为645pixel×253pixel,仿真实验结果如图 5所示,实验数据如表 1所示。
matching algorithm identification rate/% matching time/ms without rotation withrotation traditional gray scale normalized product correlation algorithm 100 0 74577 normalized product correlation algorithm based on bilinear interpolation 100 100 32618 normalized product correlation algorithm based on niche genetic algorithm 100 100 10352 Table 1. Target identification data with rotation angle
无旋转角度的目标图像,原图像分辨率为685pixel×675pixel,模板图像分辨率为133pixel×106pixel,仿真实验结果如图 6所示,实验数据如表 2所示。
matching algorithm identification rate/% matching time/ms without rotation with rotation traditional gray scale normalized product correlation algorithm 100 0 1786 normalized product correlation algorithm based on bilinear interpolation 100 100 1022 normalized product correlation algorithm based on niche genetic algorithm 100 100 386 Table 2. Target identification data without rotation angle
从表 1和表 2中的数据可以看出,在同等条件下,当目标图像无旋转时,各匹配算法的目标识别率相同,但基于小生境遗传算法的归一化积相关算法所消耗的匹配时间最少。当目标图像有旋转时,传统匹配方法已无法识别目标,而另外两种方法在傅里叶变换校正的基础上仍然能识别目标,但在匹配时间上基于小生境遗传算法的归一化积相关算法仍然占优。因此,在面对带有旋转角度的多目标时,本文中所提出的算法在识别率和实时性上的表现都取得了满意的效果。