Study on the feasibility of Cr, Nd:YAG ceramic used for solar pumped lasers
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ZHAO Chang-ming,
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In order to study the feasibility of Cr,Nd:YAG ceramic used for solar-pumped lasers,the absorption spectra of Cr,Nd:YAG ceramic and solar spectrum were measured with a fiber optic spectrometer actually,the absorption coefficient curve was calculated,the percentage of the solar energy which could be absorbed by Cr,Nd:YAG ceramics was calculated.In an assumed condition,the threshold of pumped power density of the medium was calculated.The results show that the Cr,Nd:YAG ceramic have broad absorption bands at visible light and near-infrared band and the matching degree reached 38.44%,so Cr,Nd:YAG ceramic can be chosen as the most suitable medium for solar-pumped lasers.
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