Laser diode pumped Nd:YVO4/LBO continuous wave orange-yellow laser with intracavity sum frequency mixing
Changchun Institute of Optics, Fine Mechanics and Physics, the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Changchun 130022, China
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TAN Hui-ming,
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A fiber-coupled laser diode pumped Nd:YVO4 crystal,typeⅠ critical phase matching LBO crystal intra-cavity sum frequency mixing by 1064nm and 1342nm,orange-yellow laser at 593.5nm was reported.By using a two lenses-cavity resonator,with injection pump power of 1.6W,TEM00 mode orange-yellow,low noise laser at 593.5nm of 84mW was obtained at last,and the optical conversion efficiency was 5.3%,its M2 factor was less than 1.2.The experiments and analyses show that typeⅠ critical phase matching LBO crystal intra-cavity sum frequency mixing is an available technique for orange-yellow laser and it can be applied to other transition wavelengths in Nd:YVO4 or other laser with different laser gain crystals to obtain more all-solid-state lasers with different single wavelength.
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