Finite element simulation of thermal stress distribution in direct metal laser sintering
摘要: 在考虑随温度变化而变化的热传导、比热容等热物性参数的作用下,建立了直接金属多道烧结的三维有限元分析模型。采用先进行温度场分析、再进行应力场分析的间接热力耦合策略。模拟结果显示,随着烧结过程的进行,由于已烧结部分的影响,最大热应力有减小的趋势;在扫描烧结道的前方有比后方更大的应力分布,这与实验结果相吻合。Abstract: Taking into account temperature-dependent thermal conduction and heat capacity,a three-dimensional transient finite element model was established.A sequentially analysis of coupled thermal-stress was employed.Some conclusions related to the simulation results are made:maximum thermal stress lessens with sintering going on owing to effect of sintered region;the region ahead of sintering has greater stress distribution than behind.
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