

An improved infrared object detection algorithm based on YOLOv5

  • 摘要: 为了解决红外图像特征少、对比度不佳导致目标检测时精度低的问题,采用增加一个额外的预测特征层的方法,以提高原始YOLOv5在红外图像中的识别率;通过添加坐标注意力机制,优化红外目标强特征提取,提升检测准确度;再使用双向特征金字塔网络优化特征融合,增强模型表达能力,降低冗余计算;最后解决检测定位差和边界框回归任务中样本不平衡,采用focal-EIOU作为模型的边界框损失函数,提高收敛速度,并专注于高质量的锚框回归。结果表明,改进的YOLOv5在FLIR数据集上的准确率达到了85.3%,相比于原始网络模型提高了4.2%,具有较高的检测准确率。这一结果为在嵌入式设备上部署该软件提供了可行性。


    Abstract: To address the issues of low recognition accuracy, lack of infrared image features, and poor contrast affecting object detection, several improvements to the original YOLOv5 model were proposed. Firstly, an additional prediction feature layer was introduced to enhance the detection capability for small objects in infrared images. Additionally, a coordinate attention mechanism was employed to enhance the extraction of strong features from infrared targets, thereby improving the detection accuracy of the model. Secondly, the feature fusion network was optimized by using a bidirectional feature pyramid network to improve the model's expressive power and reduce redundant computation. Lastly, to tackle the problem of sample imbalance in detection localization and bounding box regression tasks, the focal-EIOU as the loss function was adopted. This accelerates convergence speed and focuses the regression process on high-quality anchor boxes. Experimental results demonstrate that the improved YOLOv5 achieves an accuracy of 85.3% on the FLIR dataset, which is a 4.2% improvement over the original network model. It not only exhibits high detection accuracy but also provides feasibility for deployment on embedded devices.


