Analysis of flexible coating for laser shock processing
摘要: 柔性贴膜作为一种集约束层与吸收层于一体的新手段,使激光冲击技术有了更好的工程实际应用性。为了解决原技术中约束效果较差的问题,采用丙烯酸合成树脂与聚氯乙烯胶来代替硅胶做约束层。试验结果表明,这二者的约束效果远优于硅胶,冲击后材料的硬度均达到33HV以上,最大残余压应力均在60MPa左右,接近光学玻璃约束的水平(硬度与残余应力分别约34HV,70MPa),很好地解决了硅胶约束效果较差的问题,使柔性贴膜技术更趋近于实用化。Abstract: The flexible coating is an energy conversion body that consists of confinement layer and Absorbing layer,so that laser shock processing(LSP) can be applied in engineering.For the sake of resolving original problem of bad shocking effect,the crylic acid synthetic resin and polyving 1 chloride(PVC) glue were used to replace silicone jelly.The result indicated:the materials hardness after laser shocking all exceeded 33HV and maximum residual stress approximately achieved 60MPa,which are comparative level with K9 optical glass(hardness and residual stress are 34HV and 70MPa separately).Flexible coating based on macromolecule materials can become the better energy conversion body that make LSP more practical.