Field of view analysis of bubble film's backscattering signal based on Monte Carlo method
摘要: 为了研究气泡后向散射信号强度与气泡位置及接收发射视场之间的关系,采用蒙特卡罗方法对存在水槽边界条件下的水中气泡幕后向光散射回波信号进行了系统仿真,并结合实际的水槽实验,对不同气泡幕位置及接收发射轴夹角情况下的后向散射信号进行了理论分析和实验验证,取得了相应的气泡幕后向散射信号强度的实验与仿真数据。结果表明,对不同的接收发射轴夹角,存在一个回波峰值,且该峰值对应的接收发射轴线的夹角与气泡幕位置存在一一对应的关系,这一结果对实际海况下的舰船尾流气泡后向散射光探测试验是有帮助的。Abstract: In order to study the relationship between the bubbles' backscattering signal intensity and the position of bubble film and receiver angle, based on Monte Carlo method, the backscattering signal was simulated under the boundary condition of the flume.Experimental results of backscattering signal were also obtained in different bubble film positions and receiver angles.It is turned out that there is a peak in backscattering signal,which is corresponding to a certain receiver angle for different bubble film positions.The conclusions are helpful for optical detection of bubble wakes of ships on the sea.