

Characterization of biospeckle activity based on correlation coefficient

  • 摘要: 为了解决传统生物散斑测量结果易受实验参数影响的问题,采用模拟动态光散射及荧光相关光谱技术,用相关系数表征生物散斑活性,搭建了实验装置,并对中药糖浆、酸奶、老酸奶、西红柿、苹果等产品进行了实验测试。结果表明,基于相关系数构造的特征时间指标主要由样品中颗粒运动的速率决定,物理意义明确,几乎不受相机曝光时间、散斑区域等实验参数的影响,平均测量偏差小于5%,易在实际应用中使用。由于农业及医药领域中生物样品的多种特性均与颗粒运动速度有关,该方法可为食品、药品行业提供一种新的无损检测工具。


    Abstract: The measurement of traditional laser biospeckle is significantly affected by experimental parameters. To address this problem, dynamic light scattering and fluorescence correlation spectroscopy were used to characterize the biospeckle activity. An experimental setup was built and tested with traditional Chinese medicine syrup, yogurt, old yogurt, tomatoes, and apples. The results show that the constructed metric based on the correlation coefficient with a clear physical meaning is mainly determined by the speed of particle movement in the sample, which has an average error less than 5%. As the metric is almost independent of the exposure time of camera and region of interest, it is beneficial for the biospeckle technology to be used in practical applications. Since various characteristics of biological samples in the agricultural and pharmaceutical fields are related to the speed of particle movement, this method is expected to provide a new non-destructive testing tool for food and pharmaceutical industries.


