Three-dimension simulation of the effect of mirror misalignment on beam distributions
摘要: 为了直观再现腔镜倾斜对光束分布的影响,用FoxLi数值迭代法及图像重构法,绘得方形镜虚共焦腔在不同倾角下近场及远场光强的三维分布图,并对倾斜后光束特点进行了讨论。结果表明,腔镜倾斜使光束近场分布变差,致使远场光束发生畸变,质量下降。Abstract: To display the effect of mirror misalignment on beam distributions more intuitively,Fox-Liiterative diffraction calculation method was used to solve the Fresnel integral equation and three-dimension figures of effected beam were presented.The results indicate the beam in both near and far field will be aberrated and simultaneously the beam quality will be deteriorated when misalignment appears.