

Optimal design configuration parameter for ring resonance cavity

  • 摘要: 利用光纤环形腔半导体激光器(FRSLs)模型,同时考虑到增益介质端面剩余反射率、系统光路的耦合效率和耦合分光比的影响,对FRSLs速率方程进行理论计算,提出优化结构特征参数,调控环形腔损耗、阈值、外量子效率和输出功率的方案。给出了剩余反射率对最大腔增益和增益稳定度的制约关系。此外,从实验上证实阈值电流与分光比倒数的对数满足线性关系。理论分析结果较好地预测了器件的性能。


    Abstract: Influences on the FRSLs (fiber ring semiconductor lasers) properties of configuration parameter,i.e.,splitting ratio and coupling coefficient and residual reflectivity of SOA (semiconductor optical amplifier),have been examined using a simple traveling wave rate equations model of FRSLs,which is used to calculate threshold current,quanta efficiency and output power.The analysis confirms that there is an optimum splitting ratio to trade off between the threshold current,quanta efficiency and output power,whose behavior of an almost linear increase in single pass gain,maximal cavity gain and its stability with decrease average residual reflectivity.The threshold current to logarithm of splitting ratio meets linear relation.The simulating results verify that theory can give more accurate explanation to experimental phenomena.


