Electro-optic crystals used in optical fiber voltage transducers and the transducer design
摘要: 介绍了光纤电压传感器的敏感材料电光晶体,说明了它们的点群结构和电光特性,阐述了它们可能存在的旋光性、热光效应、热释电效应、自然双折射及其对电压测量精度的影响。指出BGO晶体是目前较理想的用作光纤电压传感器的敏感材料,并介绍了传感器的结构和设计。Abstract: The electro-optic crystals used in optical fiber voltage transducers are introduced in the paper.Their point group structures,electro-optic characteristics,possible optical activity,thermo-optic effects,pyroelectric effects and natural birefringence are described.BGO is the best sensing material at present.At the end of the paper,the transducer design is introduced.