Generation of tunable dual-wavelength low jitter gain-switched optical pulses
Graphical Abstract
A novel scheme for generating dual-wavelength low timing jitter tunable ultra-short pulses is demonstrated.Injecting the external seeding source to the gain-switched F-P laser diode,a reduction of timing jitter and a tunable dual-wavelength spectrum is achieved.Two multiple quantum-well DFB laser diodes are used as the external-injection seeding source.Adjusting the temperature of the laser diodes and the polarization of the seeding source,the injection seeding source is coupled with the F-P laser diode effectively.A reduction of timing jitter(root-mean-square) from 2.57ps to 1.06ps is achieved,and the output side-mode-suppression-ratio is larger than 25dB.Changing the temperature of the laser diodes,a tunable range from 1540nm to 1560nm is achieved.