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Volume 42 Issue 3
Mar.  2018
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Study on linear temperature control for the optimal multiplication factor of avalanche photodiodes

  • Received Date: 2017-08-29
    Accepted Date: 2017-10-16
  • In order to further enhance the environmental adaptability of an airborne laser rangefinder in the full temperature range, the relationship between temperature and output power signal-to-noise ratio of a detector module was analyzed. The equation for the optimum multiplier factor and temperature was derived. The reasons for the deviation of the best avalanche multiplier factor caused by temperature change were expounded. According to linear temperature characteristics of the breakdown voltage of an avalanche detector, based on natural logarithm method, a linear temperature controlled circuit of the avalanche bias voltage was designed to compensate the multiplication factor due to temperature in the range of -55℃~70℃. Good test results were obtained with this method used in new airborne laser rangefinders.The experimental results show the measured temperature control coefficient of the avalanche bias voltage is 2.29V/℃ with an error of less than 4% relative to the theoretical coefficient. This method meets the special requirement for airborne environment.
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通讯作者: 陈斌,
  • 1. 

    沈阳化工大学材料科学与工程学院 沈阳 110142

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Study on linear temperature control for the optimal multiplication factor of avalanche photodiodes

  • 1. Luoyang Institute of Electro-optical Equipment, Aviation Industry Corporation of China, Luoyang 471023, China
  • 2. Science and Technology on Electro-optic Control Laboratory, Luoyang 471009, China

Abstract: In order to further enhance the environmental adaptability of an airborne laser rangefinder in the full temperature range, the relationship between temperature and output power signal-to-noise ratio of a detector module was analyzed. The equation for the optimum multiplier factor and temperature was derived. The reasons for the deviation of the best avalanche multiplier factor caused by temperature change were expounded. According to linear temperature characteristics of the breakdown voltage of an avalanche detector, based on natural logarithm method, a linear temperature controlled circuit of the avalanche bias voltage was designed to compensate the multiplication factor due to temperature in the range of -55℃~70℃. Good test results were obtained with this method used in new airborne laser rangefinders.The experimental results show the measured temperature control coefficient of the avalanche bias voltage is 2.29V/℃ with an error of less than 4% relative to the theoretical coefficient. This method meets the special requirement for airborne environment.

  • 受体积和重量的限制,优化接收单元是提高机载远程激光测距机性能最经济有效的途径。目前,在激光测距接收单元中,“达通型”雪崩管因其响应速度快、增益高、工作偏压小、噪声相对低等特点而作为光电转换接收器被广泛应用于机载激光测距系统中。由于机载环境的特殊要求,机载光电设备必须保证其性能在工作温度范围-55℃~70℃内不下降。


    目前,关于雪崩管探测器的雪崩偏压线性化温度补偿方法较多,总的来说,分为模拟温控法[1-3]和数字温控法[4-5]。参考文献[1]中采用电流型温度传感器AD590。参考文献[2]中采用电阻型温度传感器DS3501,虽然都实现了探测器雪崩偏压的线性化温控,但是,上述两型温度传感器均为探测器外置温度传感器,所采集的温度不能真实反映探测器内部P-N结的真实温度。针对上述不足,参考文献[3]中将温度传感器MAX6605与探测器置于一个恒温阱中,降低了温度传感器采集温度与探测器内部P-N结真实温度的偏差,但是,具体实施时存在对恒温阱设计要求较高且增大了结构空间的问题。参考文献[4]中采用数字温控法,利用模/数(analog/digital, A/D)、单片机和数/模等数字芯片,实现了-30℃~50℃范围内的雪崩管探测器雪崩偏压线性化温控。参考文献[5]中也是数字温控法,利用A/D、现场可编程门阵列(field-programmable gate array, FPGA)和D/A等数字芯片,实现了-25℃~60℃范围内的雪崩管探测器雪崩偏压线性化温控,但是,与模拟温控法相比,数字温控法电路复杂,且存在温控范围较窄的问题。


1.   理论分析
  • 使用雪崩光电二极管的要点是根据实际情况,选择最佳偏置电压,使其工作在最佳倍增因子状态。所谓最佳倍增因子就是系统得到最大信噪比(signal-to-noise ratio, SNR)时所对应的倍增因子[6-15]

  • 将雪崩管与前置放大器视为一体,其噪声模型如图 1所示[7-8]。图中,APD为雪崩光电二极管(avalanche photodiode), OPA为光电放大器(optical photonical amplifier)。IRa为跨阻电流,IAPD为雪崩常电流。据此噪声模型,光电转换之后的信号-噪声对应的功率信噪比RSNR可表示为[7-8]

    Figure 1.  Noise model of optical receiver unit

    式中, M是雪崩倍增因子,Ps是入射信号光功率,Pb是入射背景光功率,B为光接收单元带宽,Nr为光接收单元总噪声,R是单位倍增因子条件下光谱响应度,Id是面暗电流,Ib是体暗电流,IPD是光电流,F是过剩噪声因子,q是电子电荷,ω是前置放大器的截止带宽,C是总等效输入电容,Ra是前置放大器的跨阻,Ia是前置放大器等效输入噪声电流,Va是前置放大器等效输入噪声电压,k是玻尔兹曼常数,T是温度。



    从最佳倍增因子等式可以看出,当探测器、前置放大器、负载电阻以及入射光功率确定后,影响最佳倍增因子的主要参量是温度T,其中Id, ω, IPD, Ib, 4kT/Ra均受温度的影响。试验表明,最大功率信噪比对应的最佳倍增因子受温度的影响不大,如图 2所示[7]。但温度的变化会引起倍增因子偏离最佳倍增因子Mopt。为了补偿这一变化,需设计最佳倍增因子线性化温控电路。

    Figure 2.  Relationship between SNR and APD gain at 0℃, 40℃, 70℃

  • 倍增因子不仅与探测器的结构和材质有关,还随温度和雪崩偏压的改变而变化。倍增因子M可表示为[7-8]

    式中,系数K, m仅与探测器的结构、材质有关,当探测器确定时,其值为常数;Vbias是雪崩管工作偏压,Vbreak表示一定温度下探测器对应的雪崩击穿电压,其值与温度呈线性关系。倍增因子恒定时,雪崩管探测器的温度,即雪崩击穿电压系数的典型值是2.2V/℃。采用温度补偿措施,调节探测器雪崩工作偏压以2.2V/℃的变化率变化,即可补偿温度变化引起倍增因子对最佳倍增因子的偏离。

2.   设计分析及测试验证
  • 雪崩管偏压线性化温控电路由以下单元组成:负温度系数(negative temperature coefficient, NTC)热敏电阻/电压转换单元、自然对数放大器单元、温漂抑制单元、加法器、跟随器、高压转换单元,如图 3所示。

    Figure 3.  Schematic diagram of linear temperature-controlling circuit



    式中,系数α=0.0001111,β=3200。负温度系数热敏电阻阻值-温度曲线见图 4

    Figure 4.  Relationship between NTC resistance and temperature

    负温度系数热敏电阻线性化温控电路设计见图 5。输出电压Vo可表示为[14]

    Figure 5.  Linear temperature-controlling circuit of NTC


    设计高压转换电路单元,该电路是一种零伏起调促进升压变换单元,包含驱动部分、逆变部分、整流部分、滤波部分、采样部分、运算放大部分,克服了传统高压电源在起调时的电压过高或存在振荡的缺点,其功能框图见图 6。该促进升压变换电路输入输出关系如图 7所示,其中,离散点为测试值,直线为离散点的1阶拟合曲线,输出高压VHV的1阶拟合曲线可表示为:

    Figure 6.  Block diagram of boost high voltage conversion

    Figure 7.  Relationship between output voltage and input voltage



    V8=-5V,V2=5V,设置R1, R2, R8, R3, R4, R5, R6, R7适当阻值,根据雪崩管探测器常温实测最佳倍增效果,将T=298K,VHV=350V带入(13)式,求得Vbase=0.723V,最终VHV可简化为:

    VHV关系仿真曲线见图 8。由此可见,从理论上实现了由负温度系数热敏电阻到雪崩管偏压输出的线性化温控功能。

    Figure 8.  Relationship between biased voltage and temperature

  • 在机载全温范围内(-55℃~70℃),测试探测器内置负指数电阻温度与雪崩偏压的关系,测试结果见图 9。其中,离散点为测试值,直线为离散点的1阶拟合曲线,1阶拟合曲线可表示为:Vbias=2.29T+305.6,测试数据与拟合曲线的均方根值误差为1.019。试验表明,最佳倍增因子线性化温控电路的温度系数为2.29V/℃,与理论分析值2.2V/℃接近,偏差仅为4%。

    Figure 9.  Relationship between high voltage and temperature

    将上述最佳倍增因子线性化温控电路应用于机载激光测距系统,用激光二极管模拟激光回波,雪崩管探测器将其转换成电信号,主放大器对其进一步放大后,输入到数字信号处理电路,如图 10所示。采集不同温度对应的回波波形,如图 11所示。回波信号幅值和反冲宽度间接反映了探测器倍增因子的大小。从测试波形可以看出,-52.5℃,18.5℃,69℃对应的波形接近一致,也就是说,其对应的倍增因子接近一致,试验结果表明, 最佳倍增因子线性化温控电路在全温范围内具有良好的性能。

    Figure 10.  System test

    Figure 11.  The simulated echo waveform at -52.5℃, 18.5℃, 69℃

3.   结论
  • 推导了最佳倍增因子公式,分析了最佳倍增因子温度补偿措施,设计了最佳倍增因子线性化温控电路。通过系统联试、性能测试,给出了试验结果,印证了理论分析。可以得出,良好的雪崩偏压线性化温控电路能够增强机载激光测距系统的环境适应性。试验中,发现雪崩偏压温控电路实测的温度系数为2.29V/℃,与理论分析值2.2V/℃存在一定的偏差,这主要是由高压转换电路的非线性引起的(高压电路的非线性度均方根值为0.945),在后续工作中,建议应进一步改善高压转换电路的线性度。

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