Target detection of THz images based on C-means of fuzzy local information
Department of Information Science & Electronic Engineering, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 310027, China;
Centre for Terahertz Research, China Jiliang University, Hangzhou 310018, China
Corresponding author:
YANG Dongxiao,
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In order to overcome the backwards, such as low contrast and strong interference fringes of the images captured by terahertz(THz) continuous wave imaging system based on backward wave oscillator, to detect target objects from background and avoid the disturbance of the irregular interference fringes, the cluster method based on C-means of fuzzy local information was used to target detection and the membership function was improved so that it was suitable to terahertz images. Experiment results show that the proposed clustering algorithm can detect target objects from terahertz images corrupted with irregular interference fringes and has better accuracy than the classic image clustering algorithm.
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