

杨锋涛, 罗江龙, 刘志强, 吕晓旭

杨锋涛, 罗江龙, 刘志强, 吕晓旭. 相位展开的6种算法比较[J]. 激光技术, 2008, 32(3): 323-326.
引用本文: 杨锋涛, 罗江龙, 刘志强, 吕晓旭. 相位展开的6种算法比较[J]. 激光技术, 2008, 32(3): 323-326.
YANG Feng-tao, LUO Jiang-long, LIU Zhi-qiang, Lü Xiao-xu. Comparison of six phase unwrapping algorithms[J]. LASER TECHNOLOGY, 2008, 32(3): 323-326.
Citation: YANG Feng-tao, LUO Jiang-long, LIU Zhi-qiang, Lü Xiao-xu. Comparison of six phase unwrapping algorithms[J]. LASER TECHNOLOGY, 2008, 32(3): 323-326.





    杨锋涛(1976- ),男,硕士,主要研究方向为光信息处理.E-mail:yangfet2005@yahoo.com.cn



  • 中图分类号: O38

Comparison of six phase unwrapping algorithms

  • 摘要: 相位展开算法主要可以分为路径跟踪算法和全局展开算法。为了比较这些算法的性能,采用计算机模拟斜面和高斯面,并加入不同程度噪声产生包裹相位;从两大类中各选取3种比较典型的算法分别对其进行相位展开,计算它们的均方根误差;最后对实验数据进行比较和理论分析。结果表明,基于网络规划的最小费用流算法和基于贝叶斯推断的ZπM算法是较为有效的算法,在实际应用中值得选择和改进。
    Abstract: Various phase unwrapping algorithms have been proposed for the last two decades.They mainly can be grouped into two classes:Path-following and global phase unwrapping algorithms.In order to compare their performances,firstly,different type wrap phases were generated according to computer-simulating inclined and Gaussian planes at various noise levels.Then three representative algorithms were chosen from the two classes respectively and their unwrapping phases and root-mean-square errors were calculated.Lastly,experimental data were compared and analyzed theoretically.The results show that minimum cost flow algorithm based on network programming and ZπM algorithm based on Bayesian reference are more robust,effective,and prior to be chosen or improved in practical application.
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  • 收稿日期:  2007-03-20
  • 修回日期:  2007-09-09
  • 发布日期:  2008-06-24


