Distinguishing different metallographic structures based on laser technology
摘要: 为了研究激光技术应用于区分不同金相组织的可行性,采用不同的热处理方法分别得到珠光体+铁素体和马氏体这两种不同的金相组织的钢样,选择合适的激光脉冲能量,对比分析了激光诱导击穿光谱的谱线强度与金相组织的关系,用主成分分析法对不同金相组织进行了区分。结果表明,不同金相组织的谱线强度不同,其中珠光体+铁素体组织的谱线强度较大,基体元素Fe的谱线强度差异比合金元素Mn的谱线强度差异大;不同金相组织呈现一定分布特性,主成分分析法能对不同金相组织进行区分,其中在波长范围280nm~320nm内区分效果最好。该研究验证了激光技术具有区分不同金相组织的能力。Abstract: In order to study the feasibility that laser technology was used to distinguish different metallographic structures, two different metallographic structures of pearlite + ferrite and martensite were obtained by different heat treatment methods. The suitable laser pulse energy was chosen, and the relationship between breakdown spectral line strength induced by laser and metallographic group was analyzed and compared. The principal component analysis was used to distinguish the different metallographic structures. The experimental results show that the spectral line intensity of different metallographic structures is different. The spectral line intensity of pearlite + ferrite structure is larger. The difference of spectral line strength with matrix element Fe is larger than that with matrix element alloy Mn. Different metallographic structures show certain distribution characteristics. Principal component analysis method can distinguish the different metallographic structures. The distinguishing result is the best in wavelength range of 280nm~320nm. This study proves that laser technology has the ability to distinguish different metallographic structures.
- laser technique /
- microstructure /
- principal component analysis /
- laser energy /
- line intensity
Table 1 Element contents of S45C steel
element mass fraction C 0.0042~0.0048 Si 0.0015~0.0035 Mn 0.0060~0.0090 P ≤0.00030 S ≤0.00035 Cu ≤0.0030 Ni ≤0.0020 Cr ≤0.0020 Fe the rest Table 2 Spectral lines of the analyzed elements
element wavelength/
108 s-1∑Mn 403.076 0 24808.25 0.170 403.307 0 24788.05 0.165 403.449 0 24779.32 0.158 Fe 1 400.524 12560.934 37521.161 0.204 Fe 2 404.581 11976.239 36686.176 0.862 Fe 3 406.359 12560.934 37162.746 0.665 Fe 4 407.174 12968.554 37521.161 0.764 Fe 5 260.683 7376.764 45726.130 0.243 Fe 6 275.014 415.933 36766.966 0.274 Fe 7 304.174 7728.060 40594.432 0.052 -
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