Study on dynamic mode stability of external cavity diode lasers
摘要: 为了研究调谐过程中外腔半导体激光器的模稳定性,采用多光束干涉理论推导Littrow结构外腔半导体激光器的腔增益,并模拟其模结构。分析了光栅面和转臂不在同一平面的情形下,在光栅转动调谐时,通过匹配光栅的反馈波长变化率与外腔波长变化率,推导出最佳的初始外腔长度,并研究了动态模稳定(无跳模调谐)的范围;采用严格的耦合理论和光线变换矩阵分析了准直(耦合)透镜的位置对系统后向耦合效率的影响。结果表明,系统后向耦合效率最大可达99%,极大地压窄了中心波长为780nm半导体激光器的线宽,外腔半导体激光器的理论线宽为未加外腔时的0.96%,动态模稳定范围可达6.8nm。Abstract: In order to analyze the mode stability of an external cavity diode laser during the tuning process, its mode structure was deduced and simulated by using the original multiple-beam interference method. The optimal external-cavity length was derived under the condition of matching the grating angle tuning rate with the external cavity mode tuning rate during the grating rotation when the grating plane and pivot arm were not on the same plane. The range of mode stability, namely, mode hop during the tuning process, was also studied. The effect of the collimating lens location on the system back-coupling efficiency was analyzed by using the method of rigorous coupling theory and the ray transfer matrix. The results show that the back-coupling efficiency is up to 99%. Linewidth of diode laser with center wavelength of 780nm was narrowed extremely. Theoretical linewidth of external cavity diode cavity is 0.96% of that of diode laser without external cavity. Stable range of dynamic mode is up to 6.8nm.
- lasers /
- semiconductor laser /
- mode stability /
- external cavity /
- multiple-beam interference /
- coupling efficiency
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