

王鑫林, 邓德伟, 胡恒, 宋弘韬, 张洪潮

王鑫林, 邓德伟, 胡恒, 宋弘韬, 张洪潮. z轴单层行程对激光熔覆成形的影响[J]. 激光技术, 2015, 39(5): 702-705. DOI: 10.7510/jgjs.issn.1001-3806.2015.05.025
引用本文: 王鑫林, 邓德伟, 胡恒, 宋弘韬, 张洪潮. z轴单层行程对激光熔覆成形的影响[J]. 激光技术, 2015, 39(5): 702-705. DOI: 10.7510/jgjs.issn.1001-3806.2015.05.025
WANG Xinlin, DENG Dewei, HU Heng, SONG Hongtao, ZHANG Hongchao. Effect of single z-increment on laser cladding forming[J]. LASER TECHNOLOGY, 2015, 39(5): 702-705. DOI: 10.7510/jgjs.issn.1001-3806.2015.05.025
Citation: WANG Xinlin, DENG Dewei, HU Heng, SONG Hongtao, ZHANG Hongchao. Effect of single z-increment on laser cladding forming[J]. LASER TECHNOLOGY, 2015, 39(5): 702-705. DOI: 10.7510/jgjs.issn.1001-3806.2015.05.025






  • 中图分类号: TG665

Effect of single z-increment on laser cladding forming

  • 摘要: 为了探究z轴单层行程z与单层熔覆层高度的匹配对激光熔覆成形的影响,采用了在不同的z轴单层行程z的情况下进行激光熔覆成形试验的方法,通过理论分析和实验验证,得到了不同z轴单层行程z与单层熔覆层高度以及离焦量的关系曲线。结果表明,z轴单层行程z存在一个以第2层熔覆层高度为基准的最佳的取值范围,在此范围内,熔覆过程能够通过自身存在的反馈调节达到z轴单层行程z与单层熔覆层高度相等的稳定成形状态。该研究给出z轴单层行程z选取时的推荐值为0.5d2 z 0.6d2。
    Abstract: To study effect of the matching of z-axis single increment (z) with single cladding layer height on laser cladding forming, experiments of laser cladding forming were carried out at different z. The relationship curves of different z, single cladding layer height and defocusing were obtained after theoretical analysis and experimental verification. The results show that the optimal range of z is based on the second cladding layer height. In this range, the process of cladding would reach a steady forming state by feedback regulation. A recommended value of z(0.5d2 z 0.6d2) is provided.
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  • 被引次数: 21
  • 收稿日期:  2014-07-26
  • 修回日期:  2014-09-22
  • 发布日期:  2015-09-24


