

刘猛猛, 洪鹰

刘猛猛, 洪鹰. 基于椭圆运动方式的小工具抛光去除函数[J]. 激光技术, 2014, 38(3): 406-410. DOI: 10.7510/jgjs.issn.1001-3806.2014.03.027
引用本文: 刘猛猛, 洪鹰. 基于椭圆运动方式的小工具抛光去除函数[J]. 激光技术, 2014, 38(3): 406-410. DOI: 10.7510/jgjs.issn.1001-3806.2014.03.027
LIU Mengmeng, HONG Ying. Removal function of small tool polish based on ellipse motion[J]. LASER TECHNOLOGY, 2014, 38(3): 406-410. DOI: 10.7510/jgjs.issn.1001-3806.2014.03.027
Citation: LIU Mengmeng, HONG Ying. Removal function of small tool polish based on ellipse motion[J]. LASER TECHNOLOGY, 2014, 38(3): 406-410. DOI: 10.7510/jgjs.issn.1001-3806.2014.03.027








  • 中图分类号: O439

Removal function of small tool polish based on ellipse motion

  • 摘要: 为了改进传统的小工具抛光的去除函数的特性和提高去除效率,在行星和平转动抛光方式的基础上,通过三转子机构,实现了椭圆式运动方式;以Preston理论为基础,研究并推导了在这种运动方式下的材料去除函数;通过计算机模拟得到了去除函数的面形矩阵,经过优化后获得了最终的抛光参量,得到了与理想的高斯型函数吻合程度高的去除函数。结果表明,仿真加工后,其去除效率优于行星式去除函数。基于椭圆运动方式的小工具抛光避免了行星和平转动抛光方式去除函数存在的缺陷,有助于提高抛光过程的去除效率。
    Abstract: In order to improve the property and the efficiency of traditional removal function of small tool polish, ellipse motion method was achieved through three-rotor movement on the basis of planet motion. Then, a new removal function was investigated and deduced based on the assumption of Preston. At last, the surface matrix of removal function was calculated by computer and after optimization. The final parameters and the removal function which was close to the ideal Gaussian function were obtained. The results show the removal efficiency of ellipse motion is better than planetary removal's. Removal function based on ellipse motion can avoid the defect of previous function of planet motion and increase the removal efficiency during polishing process.
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  • 被引次数: 21
  • 收稿日期:  2013-07-30
  • 修回日期:  2013-08-17
  • 发布日期:  2014-05-24


