Investigation on laser induced thermal stress bending
摘要: 研究了低碳钢板料的激光诱发热应力成形行为。结果表明,对于多道扫描激光成形工艺,诱发热应力成形角度受到许多工艺参数的影响,线能量是激光诱发热应力成形的主要影响因素。其中,激光功率、光束直径、扫描速度、扫描次数、板料厚度等参数的效应尤其显著。通过对试验结果的定性分析,所得的结论可以为激光诱发热应力成形技术的进一步理论研究和可能的工业应用提供依据。Abstract: In the paper,the bending behavior of low carbon steel sheets is studied after being irradiated by an axial CO2 laser beam.The results show that the final bending angle of the sheets in a multiple-irradiation laser bending process is related to many process parameters,especially laser power,beam diameter,path feed rate,number of irradiation and sheet thickness.Through qualitative analysis of the experimental results,the conclusion obtained may provide basis for theoretical investigation and possible industrial application of laser bending process in the future.
- laser bending /
- thermal stress /
- experimental investigation
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