Focusing properties of twisted Gaussian Schel-Ⅱ model beams through an aperture lens
摘要: 用广义惠更斯-菲涅耳衍射积分对扭曲高斯-谢尔模型光束通过有限尺寸透镜的聚焦特性作了详细研究。数值计算结果表明,扭曲高斯谢尔模型光束的聚焦特性与系统菲涅耳数、光束截断参数、光束相干参数以及扭曲参数等有关。
- 扭曲高斯-谢尔模型光束 /
- 有限尺寸透镜 /
- 聚焦特性
Abstract: In this paper , using the generalized Huyg en-s Fr esnel diffr action integral, the fo cusing properties of tw isted Gaussian-Schell model beams through an aperture lens have been studied in detail.Numerical calculation r esults demonstr ate that the focusing properties of tw isted Gaussian Schell-model beams are dependent on Fresnel number of optical systems, trucat ion parameter , coherent paramenter and twisted parameter.-
- twisted /
- Gaussian Schel-Ⅱ model beams /
- aperture lens
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