

Research of positioning technology of Mach-Zehnder interferometer

  • 摘要: 为了研究不同线宽的激光光源对马赫-曾德尔光纤干涉仪定位精度的影响,采用互相关定位算法原理搭建了一套扰动定位系统。采用3kHz和1MHz的半导体激光器作为系统输出光源,并对其进行多次的定点扰动,将得到的实验数据根据互相关原理做计算,并与理论推导结果进行了对比分析。结果表明,在时间域采样速率都为100MHz的情况下,系统采用3kHz的激光器时,平均定位误差为34.4m,远小于采用1MHz光源下225.4m的定位误差;在干涉仪信号臂中接入3m单模光纤,使信号臂长度和参考臂长度基本相同,可以很大程度上抑制了系统的共模噪声;窄线宽激光器可以提高系统的定位精度。该研究对于干涉仪激光器的选取、系统性能参量的评估是有积极意义的。


    Abstract: In order to study effect of laser sources with different linewidthes on positioning accuracy of Mach-Zehnder fiber interferometers, a set of disturbance location system was built using the principle of mutual-correlation positioning algorithm.3kHz and 1MHz semiconductor lasers were used as system output light sources respectively, and were subjected to multiple fixed-point disturbances.The experimental data were calculated according to the principle of mutual correlation, and the results were compared and analyzed.The results show that, in the case of time domain sampling rate of 100MHz, average positioning error of 3kHz laser is 34.4m, far less than positioning error of 225.4m for 1MHz light source.The method of using 3m single-mode fiber in the signal arm of the interferometer to make the signal arm and the reference arm basically the same length, largely suppresses the common-mode noise of the system.Narrow linewidth laser can improve the positioning accuracy of the system.The study has positive significance for the selection of interferometer lasers and the evaluation of system performance parameters.


