

Design of an absorber based on plasma metameterial

  • 摘要: 为了在TE波下获得可调谐的吸收频谱,设计了一款基于等离子体超材料的吸波器。采用全波仿真方法对该吸波器的吸收率和表面电流图进行了计算,并探讨了结构参量cv和入射角度θ对吸收率的影响。结果表明,通过激励不同的等离子体谐振区域不但可以改善其吸收特性,而且还能获得可调谐的吸收频谱;改变结构参量cv可以在实现拓展吸收带宽的同时,使得吸收频域也发生移动;改变入射角度θ的大小对吸收率的影响不大。该吸波器具有很好的角度稳定性。


    Abstract: In order to obtain tunable absorption spectra under TE wave, an absorber was designed based on plasma metamaterial. The absorption spectra and the distribution of surface current of the absorber were computed by means of full-wave simulation. The effect of structural parameters c, v and incident angle θ on absorption spectra was also discussed. The simulated results demonstrate that not only the tunable absorption spectra can be obtained in the proposed absorber but also the properties of absorption can be improved by exciting the different plasma resonance structures. Changing the structural parameters of c and v, the absorption bandwidth can be widened and its location can be tuned at same time. The incident angle θ has little effect on the absorption spectra. The proposed absorber has good angular stability.


