

New optical image encryption technology based on grating filter

  • 摘要: 为了提高干涉加密技术的光学处理速度和光学实现的可行性,基于干涉原理的加密技术的思想,结合光栅滤波器的图像处理方法,研究了基于光栅滤波器的4f系统双图像光学加密技术。该技术利用已成熟的基于光栅滤波的图像相加减4f系统,将两个待加密图像转化为两个实值的白噪声,理论模拟验证了该方法的可行性和有效性。结果表明,该方法简单实用,易于光学实现并具有很高的安全性。


    Abstract: In order to improve optical processing speed and the feasibility of optical realization in interference encryption technology, based on the idea of interference encryption principle and image processing method of grating filter, 4f system double image optical encryption technology based on grating filter was designed. The mature image additiion and subtraction 4f system based on grating filtering was used to transform two encrypting images into two real values of white noise. The feasibility and effectiveness of the method were verified by theoretical simulation. The results show that the method is simple, practical, safe and easy to implement.


