

Design and application of silicon wafer polarizer in terahertz frequency region

  • 摘要: 为了克服目前应用于太赫兹波段的偏振器件成本较高、加工难度较大、易产生法布里-珀罗效应回声等缺点,利用平行堆叠硅片的布儒斯特效应,设计了一种新型的适用于太赫兹波段的硅片组偏振器件。根据不同油品中手性化合物浓度不同对太赫兹波的旋光性不同的原理,用该偏振器对97#汽油、柴油及其混合油样品的旋光性进行测量,实现了混油检测。结果表明,设计的偏振器消光比高于1059、透过率高于99%、适用频段为0THz~3THz; 利用硅片组偏振器对97#汽油、柴油以及两种按不同体积分数混合的油品进行旋光性的测量,实现了对油品的定性和定量检测。该偏振器件的设计满足太赫兹波段的偏振需求。


    Abstract: To overcome the shortcomings of polarizers currently used in terahertz frequency region, which are expensive to produce, difficult to be processed, and easy to generate Fabry-Perot echo effect, a new terahertz polarizer was presented by means of Brewster effect of a stack of silicon wafers. According to the principle that the different oil with different compounds and different concentration has the different optical activity of terahertz wave, by using the polarizer, the optical activity of 97# gasoline, diesel oil and the mixed oil samples were measured to be identificated. The results show that, the extinction ratio of the designed polarizer is higher than 1059 and transmittance is higher than 99% and the polarizer can be used in 0THz~3THz frequency region. By using the silicon wafer polarizer, the optical activity of 97# gasoline, diesel oil and their mixture is measured. And the qualitative and quantitative detection of oil is realized. The design of polarizer meets the requirement of polarizer in terahertz frequency region.


