In order to solve the problem of high pump power of logic gates, a novel Mach-Zehnder type all optical logic gate based on micro-ring resonator was proposed. The periodical patterns of air holes added in the micro-ring waveguide provide strong confinement on light, which enhances the third order nonlinear Kerr effect around the band edge and decreases the pump power of phase shift. Combining micro-ring resonator with Mach-Zehnder structure, different logic function can be realized with the phase shift in the different micro-rings controlled by Kerr effect. The impact of the different size of air holes on the structure was calculated and the detailed control methods of the logic gates were verified. The feasibility was proved. The simulation results show that this device possesses several practical advantages, such as low power consumption of less than 10dBm, delay of ps order, high speed data processing ability and μm order dimension. The device achieves the different kinds of logic gates and has the guiding significance to all optical networks.