

Propagation characteristics of non-paraxial partially coherent Hermite-cosine-Gaussian beams

  • 摘要: 为了研究非傍轴部分相干厄米-余弦-高斯光束传输特性,运用Wigner分布函数法,从空间域和频率域对非傍轴部分相干厄米-余弦-高斯光束传输特性进行了理论分析,得出了该光束1阶情况下在空间、频率域系统的解析传输公式及光强分布表达式,分析了这些表达式中3个主要参量f,fσ和g对厄米-余弦-高斯光束在自由空间传输的影响。结果表明,在调制参量g不变时,束腰参量f和相干参量fσ对非傍轴部分相干厄米-余弦-高斯光束的非傍轴性起了至关重要的作用;非傍轴部分相干厄米-余弦-高斯光束在传输过程中随着g的改变,不能保持其光强分布形状,有前移趋势。


    Abstract: In order to study transmission characteristics of non-paraxial partially coherent Hermitian-cosine-Gaussian beam, the Wigner distribution function was used to analyze the characteristics in spatial and time domain. Their analytical propagation expressions with the three parameters of f,fσ,g were obtained for describing the space domain and frequency domain at the same time. The calculated results show that f and fσ play key roles in determining the non-paraxiality partially coherent Hermite-cosine-Gaussian beams, when g is constant. On the other hand, when g is changing, it can not preserve their shape while propagating in free space.


