

High output power single transverse mode quantum dot lasers at 1.3μm

  • 摘要: 为了制备大功率、单横模输出的量子点激光器,对有源多模干涉波导结构进行了研究。通过优化器件结构设计,采用1×1型有源多模干涉波导结构,以均匀多层InAs/InGaAs/GaAs量子点材料作为有源区,制备了1.3μm波段的有源多模干涉结构量子点激光器。连续电流注入条件下的测试结果表明,与传统的均匀波导结构器件相比,有源多模干涉结构器件具有更低的串联电阻和更好的散热性能;在连续电流为0.5A的小注入情况下,器件的输出功率可达114mW、中心波长为1332nm。结果表明,有源多模干涉结构器件是制备大功率、单横模输出光发射器件的一种有效的器件结构。


    Abstract: An active multi-mode-interferometer (MMI) waveguide configuration was introduced and designed for single transverse mode laser diode with high output power. By using InAs/InGaAs/GaAs quantum dots (QD) as the active region, 1.3μm QD laser diode with the 1×1 MMI waveguide configuration was fabricated. It was demonstrated that the QD laser diode with the active MMI configuration exhibited improved heat dissipation and optical performance compared to the device with regular uniform waveguide structure. At a continuous wave injection current of 0.5A, a high output power of 114mW was obtained from the narrow waveguide while the laser diode emitting at 1332nm. The systematic study shows that the device with MMI waveguide configuration is instructive device for the fabrication of single transverse mode light emitting devices with high output power.


