Minority carrier lifetime measurement for N-type 4H-SiC by means of the microwave photoconductivity decay method
摘要: 为了更好地了解N型4H-SiC的电学特性,评价其晶体质量,采用激光技术和微波光电导作为非接触、非破坏性测量半导体特性的一种工具,描述了其测试原理和实验装置,并讨论了不同的激发强度下,其少数载流子寿命的变化。结果表明,改变入射激光能量(即光子注入水平),样品电压峰值与激发强度成正比,对其载流子寿命几乎没有影响。该方法能方便快捷地测量载流子的寿命,对SiC材料性能的研究具有重要意义。Abstract: In order to understand the electrical property of N-type 4H-SiC better and evaluate its crystal quality, with laser technique and microwave photoconductivity measurement as a tool of the non-conductive and non-destructive characterization for semiconductors, the measurement principle was described and the experimental equipment was put forward. The dependence of the minority carrier lifetime on the excitation intensity was discussed. The results show that the changing of the laser pulse energy (i.e. the photon injection level) little affect the carrier lifetime of the specimen, its peak voltage is proportional to the excitation intensity. The method of carrier lifetime measurement is convenient and efficient and has a great significance for examination of the property of SiC material.