

A method to restore 3-D surface of large area and low resolution interferogram

  • 摘要: 为了有效处理大口径干涉仪测量过程中得到的低分辨率干涉图,采用一种通过调和处理和3值化等过程的处理方法,对实验获得的大口径干涉仪无法处理的干涉图进行了相位滤波处理并还原了对应的3维形貌,同时与传统Goldstein方法处理的结果进行了对比。结果表明,该方法提高了低分辨率干涉图的可还原性,为干涉图后续处理提供了有效手段。


    Abstract: For the purpose of dealing with low-resolution interferograms acquired by large-diameter interferometer,a method was presented including homogenization and ternary and so on.The acquired interferograms,which couldn't be processed by interferometers,were filtered and the 3-D surfaces were restored.Compared with the traditional Goldstein filter method,the results show that this method enhances the restoration possibility of low resolution interferogram,and paves the way for its latter process.


