Design and realization of a laser screen coordinate measurement system
摘要: 为了测量大靶面立靶坐标,提出了一种激光光幕靶的坐标测量方法,该方法采用4个90°扇形激光器作为发射光源,高灵敏度的光电二极管阵列作为接收装置。4个激光器发出的光相互交叉形成一个矩形激光光幕,当子弹穿过激光光幕时,会分别在x方向和y方向挡住一部分激光,促使相应的光电二极管产生信号;经过信号的采集和分析得到弹着点坐标,最后经过实弹试验得到子弹的坐标。结果表明,该立靶系统具有高精度和高灵敏度的特点。Abstract: In order to measure the vertical target coordinates of the large target surface,a coordinate measurement method with laser screen target was presented with four 90° fan-shaped lasers as light sources,and a high-sensitivity photodiode array as the receiver.When bullets fly through the rectangular laser screen,formed by the intersected light from the four lasers,they will block part of the laser in the x and y directions respectively,and thus corresponding signal produces from the photodiodes.The impact coordinates can be obtained by acquiring and processing the signal.Finally the coordinates of the bullet were tested in active experiments.The results show that this vertical target system has the characteristics of high precision and high sensitivity.