

Modulation instability of broad optical beams in biased two-photon centrosymmetric photorefractive crystals

  • 摘要: 为了得到稳态条件下1维宽光束在有偏压双光子中心对称光折变晶体中的调制不稳定性的结果,通过空间电荷场的局域性处理和数值模拟的方法,获得了1维调制不稳定性的增长率。结果表明,在入射光束强度一定的情况下,调制不稳定性增长率最大值随外加电场以及空间频率域的增加而增大;在外加电场给定时,调制不稳定性增长率的最大值随入射光强的增大先达到一峰值后又减小。宽光束的调制不稳定性取决于外加电场及入射光束强度与暗辐射的比值。


    Abstract: In order to obtain the modulation instability of 1-D broad optical beams in biased two-photon centrosymmetric photorefractive crystals under steady-state conditions, the growth rate of 1-D modulation instability was obtained by means of numerical simulation method after treating the space-charge field locally. The numerical results show that the maximum modulation instability growth rates increases linearly with the external electric field and spatial-frequency when the incident optical intensity is constant. When the external electric field is fixed, the maximum modulation instability growth rates increases to a maximum then decreases as the incident optical intensity increases. The modulation instability of 1-D broad optical beams depends on the external bias field and the ratio of optical beam's intensity to that of the dark irradiance.


