

The influence of Al3+ on Er3+ doped sol-gel derived silica glasses and studies on their optical properties

  • 摘要: 为了制备高性能的掺Er硅基玻璃,通过溶胶-凝胶方法制备了掺Er3+和Al3+的硅基玻璃,研究了Al3+对Er3+发光性能的影响。结果表明,掺Al3+后使样品中Er3+离子的最大掺杂浓度提高1倍,发光强度也明显增强,是不掺Al3+的Er-硅基玻璃中Er3+离子发光强度的20多倍。通过分析发现,Al3+和Er3+之间并不是简单的能量传递关系,而是在改变原基质结构的同时,有效分散了样品中的Er3+离子,降低了Er3+离子之间的交叉弛豫几率;在980nm波长激发下,Er3+离子只有654nm一个波长的上转换荧光。


    Abstract: The silica glass doped with Er3+ and Al3+ iones were synthesized through sol-gel process.The effect of Al3+ on luminescence properties of Er3+ was studied.The results show that the concentration of Er3+ in co-doped silica glass can be improved one time than Erdoped glass,and the intensity is 20 times than that of Al non-doped glass.We concluded that the relation between Al3+ and Er3+ is just not energy transfer,but is that Al3+ not only change the configuration of sample,but also disperse the Er3+,as a result,the odds of cross-relaxation is depressed.And find that Er3+ iones have only an up-conversion emission at 654nm using 980nm excitation.


