

Surface plasmon resonance optical sensor by using a Ag-SnO2 thin film layer

  • 摘要: 为了研究CuO的不同掺杂浓度对表面等离子共振角的影响,提出一种新型的棱镜耦合法Ag-SnO2(掺杂CuO)复合膜表面等离子共振光学传感器结构.采用射频反应溅射法在清洗处理后的金红石棱镜上依次制备Ag膜(50nm),SnO2膜(50nm),CuO和SnO2膜(50nm)4层膜结构,CuO的厚度依其不同的掺杂体积分数的不同而不同,经过退火实现SnO2薄膜的掺杂得到复合膜.以He-Ne激光62.8nm为入射激励光源,通过采用表面等离子共振实验方法,CuO的掺杂体积分数分别为0,0.01和0.05时,得到共振角分别为59.61°,60.52°和61.3°的结果.结果表明,CuO掺杂的体积分数越大,表面等离子共振的共振角越大.


    Abstract: To study the influence of the different CuO concentration rates on the resonance angle,a novel surface plasmon resonance(SPR) optical sensor coated a combined Ag and SnO2(dropped by CuO) film is proposed.Four-layer films Ag(50nm),SnO2(50nm),CuO and SnO2(50nm) were prepared deposition on rutile prism in turn by means of RF-reactive-sputtering,and the thickness of the CuO was various with the concentration rate,and the combined film was formed after being annealed.The SPR experiments show that,when the concentration rates of the CuO are 0,0.01 and 0.05,the resonance angles are 59.61°,60.52°和61.3°,respectively.The faster concentration rate of the CuO,the larger of the resonance angle.


