

Experiments and simulation of Al-alloy plate deforming by laser shock forming

  • 摘要: 为了研究金属板料在脉冲激光辐照下的响应、激光冲击下板料的变形特性、激光脉冲能量对金属板料变形量的影响以及脉冲激光光斑内冲击波压力的分布情况,采用高功率钕玻璃激光系统对LD31板进行了单次冲击变形实验,同时利用有限元软件ABAQUS对板料变形过程进行了模拟。结果表明,激光冲击条件下板料变形时呈现粘塑性性质;激光脉冲能量是影响板料变形量的主要因素,且板料变形大小随脉冲能量的增加呈非线性增大;激光冲击时激光光斑作用区域内冲击波压力并不是均匀分布,而是沿径向减小。


    Abstract: In order to study the dynamic response of sheet metal to the laser shockwave loading,the characteristics of laser shock forming,the effect of pulse energy on sheet metal deformation and the distribution of shockwave pressure in irradiated zone,single laser shock forming of LD31 aluminum alloy was carried out with high-power Q-switched,pulsed neodymium-glass laser.Then the process of laser shock forming was simulated with ABAQUS.The results reveal that viscoplastic deformation happens in sheet metal under laser shocking,the deformation of sheet metal increases with the increase of pulse energy in nonlinear way,and pressure in irradiated zone decreases along radius.


