

Error analysis of light beam with a cylindrical lens as the beam collimator in end pumping scheme

  • 摘要: 为了简化二极管端面抽运固体激光器的快轴准直,建立了圆柱面镜和聚焦镜作为二极管快轴准直系统的模型,给出了系统设计方法和关键参数的控制方法,通过仿真论证了以圆柱面镜做二极管激光器快轴校准的可行性,抽运光腰斑的大小和位置可以通过选择柱面镜半径、光源到柱面镜的距离、柱面镜到聚焦镜的距离及聚焦镜焦距来控制。结果表明,当柱面镜半径3mm、光源到柱面镜的距离0.7mm、柱面镜到聚焦镜的距离及聚焦镜焦距5mm时,抽运YAG晶体可以得到大于47%的光-光效率。


    Abstract: For simplifying the diode pumped solid-state laser pump beam collimation system,a simple model was developed to the laser pumping waist design,in which the cylindrical lens was used as the fast axis beam collimator.The system design clue and the key parameters were listed.The feasibility of the cylindrical lens as the fast axis beam collimator was prooved through simulation analysis.The pumping beam waist could be controlled through elaborate selection of parameter R,L1,L0 and f.The experiment showed that the optical to optical efficiency could get larger than 47% when the radius of the cylindrical lens was 3mm,the range between the laser source and the lens was 0.7mm and both the range between the cylindrical lens and the focusing lens and the focal length of the focusing lens are 5mm.


