

Generation of ultrashort pulse at 1053nm from fiber laser

  • 摘要: 为了研究环形腔掺Yb3+光纤激光器的输出特性,采用两个波长为976nm的半导体激光器作为超短脉冲激光器的抽运源,利用非线性偏振旋转锁模技术,实现了激光器的自起振锁模运转.实验中通过调节掺杂光纤的长度和偏振控制器波片的位置实现了锁模脉冲的波长调谐,在掺杂光纤长度为1.6m时,获得了波长为1053nm、最大输出功率为9.5mW、光谱宽度为6nm、重复频率为23.7MHz的超短光脉冲输出.实验结果与分析表明,采用调节光纤的长度和偏振控制器可实现超短脉冲光纤激光器的波长调谐.


    Abstract: The experimental study of ultrashort pulse Yb3+-doped fiber ring laser was reported.The Yb3+-doped fiber laser was pumped by two 976nm semiconductor lasers.Self-starting mode-locking of the fiber laser was demonstrated by employing the polarization additive pulse mode-locking.Wavelength tuning of the short pulse was carried out by changing the length of the Yb3+-doped fiber and the position of the polarization controllers.When the Yb3+-doped fiber length was 1.6m,the laser oscillate at 1053nm with 9.5mW maximum output power and 23.7MHz repetition frequency,corresponding to ~6nm spectrum width.The result shows:the wavelength-tunable fiber laser of ultrashort pulse is achieved by changing the length of the Yb3+-doped fiber and the position of the polarization controller.


