

Theory analysis of array waveguide grid based on Si-slab

  • 摘要: 为了研究平面光波导光栅的理论和设计方法,采用波导模场的高斯近似和有效折射率法对波导进行计算,在不考虑平面波导有效折射率的色散效应和近轴近似条件下,分析了阵列波导光栅近似设计理论,经模拟设计与实际设计参数对比,得到了正确的方法,并简化了计算结果.结果表明,这种近似理论为阵列波导光栅的工程设计提供了一种简单实用的计算方法.


    Abstract: In order to simplify the complicated theory and calculation about arrayed wave-guide gratings(AWG),a simple analysis theory method is provided for the design of AWG,in which the gaussian approximation of the field distribution of the mode in an wave-guide,effective index method and Marcatili method were adopted to analyze the optical wave-guides,without regard to the dispersion of the slab wave-guides.Based on the above approximation,a simple and practical AWG calculation method is obtained.


