Research progress on laser surface processing of magnesium alloy
摘要: 综述了镁合金激光表面处理的研究进展状况,介绍了当前国内外镁合金激光表面处理的几种主要方法,包括激光表面熔凝、合金化、复合强化、熔敷等,阐述了其应用成果,包括提高镁合金表面的硬度和耐磨性,提高镁合金表面的抗腐蚀能力,以及修复镁合金成品件的缺陷部位等,并展望了镁合金激光表面处理今后的发展方向。Abstract: The research progress on laser surface processing of magnesium alloy is reviewed.Laser surface processing techniques of magnesium alloys such as melting,alloying,composite intensifying and cladding developed in recent years are introduced.Its achievements such as improving the hardness,wear and corrosion resistance of magnesium alloys,repairing the finished-product of magnesium alloys are described.Finally some prediction of its future development is also presented.