

Study on effect of scattering of fog particles on laser-guidance

  • 摘要: 为了研究雾粒子散射对激光制导的影响,提高制导武器的制导精度。基于Mie理论,考虑粒子尺度分布函数,得到了群体粒子散射模型,在该基础上,建立了目标方位偏差角与散射光强的关系式,从粒子散射的角度分析了粒子散射光强对回波信号的影响。计算表明,大气粒子在一定的尺度分布状况下的后向散射光强对回波信号的影响比较明显。该研究结果为大气微粒后向散射对制导的影响研究提供了参考。


    Abstract: In order to study the effect of the fog particles scattering on laser guidance and improve the guidance precision of guided weapons,based on Mie theory,considering the particle size distribution function,the scattering model of the group particles was obtained.With the help of the model,the relationship between the target position deviation angle and the scattering intensity was obtained and the effect of scattered light on the signal was analyzed from the view of scattering.The calculation showed that the echo signal was influenced obviously by the backscattered light from the atmospheric particles at a certain scale distribution.The results are valuable for the study on the effect of back scattering of atmospheric particles on the laser-guided precision.


