
二极管侧面抽运双声光调Q 589nm黄光激光器

Diode-side-pumped 589nm yellow laser with double acousto-optic Q-switches

  • 摘要: 为了研究高稳定性、高光束质量589nm黄光激光器,采用双声光调QT型复合腔结构、激光二极管侧面抽运Nd:YAG,KTP晶体Ⅱ类临界相位匹配、腔内和频的方法,进行了理论分析和实验验证,在总抽运电流为36A、重复频率为10kHz时,获得了最大平均功率可达3.8W的589nm黄光输出,脉冲宽度为135ns。结果表明,使用T型复合腔可以获得高稳定性、高光束质量的黄光激光输出。这一结果对实现黄光激光在医学领域中的应用是很有帮助的。


    Abstract: In order to obtain 589nm yellow laser with high beam quality and high stability,double acousto-optic Q-switches and T-shaped composite cavity were adopted.Diode-side-pumped Nd:YAG and KTP intracavity sum-frequency converter with Ⅱ-type critical phase-matching were used.On the basis of theoretical analysis and experimental verification,the maximum power of 589nm laser reached 3.8W with pulse width of 135ns when the total pumping current was 36A and the repetition frequency was 10kHz.The result showed that high beam quality and high stable 589nm laser could be obtained by means of T-shaped composite cavity.This result is quite helpful for the realization of yellow laser application in the medical field.


