

ANSYS finite element analysis and experiment study of large aperture reflectors

  • 摘要: 为了研究大口径反射镜的面形,在广泛调研大口径反射镜应力控制技术的基础上,从理论模型和实验两个方面同时进行。利用ANSYS建立大口径反射镜模型,得到其重力作用下的形变和受力面积变化的DPV-S关系曲线。建立了反射镜面形变化实验验证平台,对垂直放置的反射镜在不同方向上加力,利用干涉仪实测上侧面加压和背部支撑时的形变。实验验证了理论模拟结果,二者相差仅仅0.002μm~0.122μm。结果表明,这对今后进行类似的实验研究提供了值得借鉴的面形检测方法,为寻求优化的大口径反射面形控制装校方案奠定了基础。


    Abstract: A large aperture reflector is an important optical element in the inetrial confinement fusion driver with high-power solid laser and the quality of its surface has direct impact on the output characteristics of the whole equipment. In order to study the surface deformation of a large aperture reflector, after comprehensive investigation of the stress-controlling technique of large aperture reflectors, the research was carried out both theoretically and experimentally. Firstly, the model for a large aperture reflector was constructed by means of ANSYS. Then the DPV-S curve,indicating the relationship between deformation and change of pressed area under the effect of gravity, was obtained. Secondly, an interferometer was used to measure the upside and backside deformation of the large aperture reflector. The test result was consistent with that in theory and their difference was only 0.002μm~0.122μm. The results show that the study provides a good method for surface detection, surface control and alignment for large aperture reflectors.


