Investigation of 1064nm laser scattering characteristic in atmosphere by means of improved Mie algorithm
摘要: 为了研究1064nm激光大气气溶胶粒子的散射特性,利用Mie散射累积相乘算法,对函数迭代式进行简化,减少存储数组,对无穷迭代进行有效截断,减少迭代次数。通过模拟得到单分系和多分系的散射分布特征,得出散射强度主要集中在前向小角度散射的结论,并讨论了散射光的偏振特性,得出散射光存在完全偏振光的结论。结果表明,改进算法具有收敛速度快、精度高的优点。Abstract: To study the scattering characteristic of 1064nm laser in low latitude,improved Mie scattering algorithm was put forward,in which the iterative function was simplified to reduce the storage array, and the endless circulation was truncated to reduce the number of circulation.From the simulation, the distribution of single and bulk scattering was obtained and it was found that the scattering distribution was focused in forward scattering at a small angle, and that the scattered laser might be absolute polarized light.The results show that the new method embodies the advantage of fast convergence and high precision.