

Application of the CkD method in the strong water vapor absorption bands

  • 摘要: 为了快速计算水汽强吸收带光学透过率,采用相关k分布的方法,对它们在计算水汽强吸收带大气透过率中的应用进行了理论分析和实验验证,设计并开发了相应的计算程序,分别用6种大气模式进行检验,取得了较好的实验数据。并对相关k分布法中求积网格点的选取、非均匀大气吸收系数的插值作了讨论。结果表明,相关k分布法用于宽带强吸收大气透过率计算具有精度高、速度快的优点。这一结果对于将相关k分布法快速高效地用于实际应用是有帮助的。


    Abstract: In order to calculate the optical transmittance of water vapor in the strong absorption bands fleetly,the application of the correlated k-distribution(CkD) method in the calculation of the optical transmittance of water vapor in the strong absorption bands was studied, and the corresponding program was designed and developed.The technical details in the CkD method, including the chose of integration grid points, the interpolation of the absorption coefficients in the inhomogeneous atmosphere was also discussed.Tested on the six standard atmospheric models, good results were obtained.The results indicate that the CkD algorithm is accurate and efficient in the calculation of atmospheric transmittance of water vapor in the strong absorption bands, and the CkD practical in actual application.


