

Recent advance of CO2-pumped THz imaging

  • 摘要: 为了研究基于CO2激光抽运的远红外激光源的太赫兹2维成像方法的各自特点和今后的发展方向,在介绍CO2激光抽运的远红外激光源的基本工作原理及美、英两国典型产品SIFlR-50FPL和FIRL100激光器的基础上,重点介绍了国内外近几年的主要成像研究成果,并对其成像特性进行了简要评述。最后总结出CO2激光抽运太赫兹成像研究的发展趋势是大力发展能远距离成3维像的太赫兹雷达、能实时成像的焦平面探测及实时图像处理和目标自动识别系统。


    Abstract: In order to study the characteristics and the future development direction of terahertz two-dimension imaging methods based on CO2 laser-pumped far-infrared laser source, the basic principle of CO2 laser-pumped far-infrared laser source and two typical lasers,SIFIR-50FPL and FIRL100 made in USA and England respectively, were introduced.Then the domestic and international research results of imaging in recent years and their imaging characteristics were discussed.Finally it was concluded that the long-distance three-dimension image THz radar, the real-time imaging focal plane array (FPA) detection and the real-time image processing and automatic target recognition system were the development trends of the research of CO2 laserpumped terahertz imaging.


