

Study on passively mode-locked erbium-doped fiber laser by means of NALM

  • 摘要: 为了研究光纤中的非线性效应对锁模脉冲的影响,采用非线性放大环镜来实现被动锁模,在分析非线性放大环镜传输特性理论的基础上,对被动锁模掺铒光纤激光器进行了相关的实验研究。实验中观察到了重复频率为280.2MHz、中心波长是1556.235nm、线宽是0.4nm的稳定的锁模脉冲现象。研究结果对更深入地了解被动锁模产生现象、进一步开展后续研究具有极其重要的意义。


    Abstract: The passively mode-locked of nonlinear amplifying loop mirror(NALM) configuration is used to study the influence of mode-locked pulse induced by the nonlinear effect of optical fiber.After analyzing the transmission characteristic theory of nonlinear amplifying loop mirror,experiments were executed for a passively mode-locked erbium-doped fiber laser.It was found that the steady mode-locked pulse phenomenon with repeat frequency of 280.2MHz,center wavelength of 1556.235nm and line width of 0.4nm.The study is helpful for thorough understanding the passively mode-locked phenomenon and follow-up research.


