

885nm diode pumped Nd:YAG laser

  • 摘要: 在二极管抽运Nd:YAG激光器中,量子亏损是影响晶体热积累的一个最重要参量,为了达到减少晶体热效应的目的,可采用直接抽运技术。经过理论分析,采用的二极管阵列中心波长为885nm、晶体尺寸为5.5mm×55mm,实验对比验证了多种透过率输出镜。结果表明,在透过率为58%时,获得最大单脉冲138mJ的静态输出,光光转换效率为12%。这一结果验证了采用885nm抽运源直接抽运技术的可行性,并有助于实验的进一步发展。


    Abstract: In diode pumped Nd:YAG lasers,the quantum defect is the most important parameter determining the thermal load of the laser crystal.This can be reduced dramatically by direct pumping into the upper laser level.A bar diode stack with central wavelength of 885nm was used to pump a Nd:YAG crystal with 55mm in length and 5.5mm in diameter.Compared several output-couplers,the maximum static pulse energy of 138mJ was obtained with 58% transmittance and the corresponding optical-to-optical efficiency was 12%.The results show the possibility of 885nm diode direct pump,also it is helpful for the project's process.


