

Research status of Ti-6Al-4V manufactured by selective laser melting for medical device applications

  • 摘要: 激光选区熔化技术(SLM)因其具备高复杂结构制造能力而在医疗器械制造上展现着独特的优势。近年来,SLM在医疗器械制造上日趋活跃,综述了基于激光选区熔化成形、应用于创伤外科医疗器械生产制造Ti-6Al-4V的研究现状。包括SLM成形Ti-6Al-4V的基础工艺、力学性能、细胞相容性三方面的研究进展,同时举例了一些基于SLM成形Ti-6Al-4V医疗器械的应用及案例。最后针对基于此技术制造医疗器械研究存在的问题进行了总结。尽管SLM成形Ti-6Al-4V在医疗领域发展相对缓慢,但现有的研究和潜力表明,随着基础制造研究的不断深入和临床不断的实践,创伤外科的精准治疗方案将无疑有望成为可能。


    Abstract: Selective laser melting (SLM) is used in medical device manufacturing recently due to the unique capability of fabricating high-complexity structures. With the growing popularity of SLM in medical device manufacturing, this paper mainly reviews the research progress of Ti-6Al-4V fabricated by SLM for surgical medical device applications, including the basic technics of SLM-Ti-6Al-4V fabrication, the achievable mechanical properties, cell compatibility, and some application cases. In addition, we summarizes the underlying problems in the field of medical device manufacturing based on the SLM tethnics. Although the development of SLM formed Ti-6Al-4V is relatively slow in the field of medical application, the existing research and potential indicate that with the continuous intensive research of basic manufacture and the continuous clinical practice, the precise treatment of trauma surgery will undoubtedly become possible.


