

Study on the optimum matching parameters of the combined laser drilling

  • 摘要: 为了有效提高激光打孔的速率和激光能量的利用率,采用长脉冲激光和短脉冲激光空间叠加打孔的方法,对复合激光打孔的最佳匹配参量进行了理论和实验研究。建立复合激光打孔最佳匹配模型,以熔融物的产生和去除达到平衡为准则,理论计算得出长脉冲激光和短脉冲激光的最佳匹配参量和最佳匹配情况下的复合激光打孔速率。同时进行了毫秒脉冲和纳秒脉冲的Nd:YAG激光器复合作用于5mm的不锈钢板的打孔实验。结果表明,在实验中得到的最佳匹配参量下,复合激光打孔速率相比于毫秒脉冲激光单独打孔最大提高了3.3倍。实验和理论模型均证明了复合激光打孔在最佳匹配状态下,打孔速率达到最大,激光能量得到充分利用。


    Abstract: In order to improve laser drilling velocity and the utilization of laser energy, the optimal matching parameters of the combined laser drilling were studied by means of space superposition drilling by long-pulse laser and short-pulse laser. The optimal matching model of the combined laser drilling was established. Based on the balance of generation and expulsion of the melted metal, the optimal parameters of long-pulse laser and short-pulse laser, and the combined laser drilling velocity at the optimum matching point were obtained theoretically. The combined laser drilling of stainless steel with the thickness of 5mm was performed with ms and ns pulse Nd:YAG lasers. The experimental results show that in the case of the optimum matching, the combined laser drilling velocity is 3.3 times higher than that of the ms pulse laser alone. Both theory and experiments indicate that the maximum drilling velocity can be obtained at the optimum matching point, and laser energy is fully utilized.


